

We need your help!!

If you have any fundraising ideas for our school, please reach out to the PTP and we'll be excited to discuss with you!

Boosterthon Fun Run 2021 November 10th. 
Our goal is to raise $25,000 for playground equipment and to strengthen our school community.

Stats as of 11/12/21
  • We are currently at $15,945 in school profit! 
  • 73% of students have registered on 
  • 48% have pledged.

 If your family feels it’s not in the position to financially support the school, that’s ok. Families can actually support our school by also SHARING about our fundraiser with friends and family online. Sharing IS supporting. 

 Refresher on how the program works:
  • 11/10 We kickoff with a digital pep rally
  • 11/11-11/18 Students will watch a daily character video, gather pledges, and earn classroom & individual prizes
  • 11/19 We celebrate with a Fun Run! (We will NOT be marking laps this year. All students will be given 35 laps. If you want a different # of laps please contact the Booster Team) 
 Key dates to remember:
  • Register on MYBOOSTER.COM
  • Fundraiser Kick Off - 11-10
  • Event Day - 11-19 

 Thank you for supporting Riverview through the Riverview Fun Run.